About Kelton

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Major Events

    Profile of Kelton at the age of four months:    愷愷四個月大的資料:

    Weight: 14 pounds and 12 ounces                                           體重: 6.7 公斤
    50th percentile                                                                  50百分位 (平均值)

    Length: 27 inches                                                                     身高: 68.6 公分
    95th percentile                                                                  95百分位

    Between two and four months of age, Kelton gained 2 pounds 2 ounces and grew three inches. Here are the photos showing some of his activities.

    從兩個月到四個月大愷愷胖了將近一公斤 長了7.6公分 以下是他部分生活起居的照片

    Enjoying some tummy time! Showing off that strong neck muscle.
    喜歡轉身趴著 表現一下有力的脖子肌肉

    tummy time strong neck muscle

    Starting to drool                                           Someone'd better catch that drop
    開始留口水                                                  那滴快要滴下來了

    drooling more drooling

    Knowing how to follow the camera with eyes

    following the camera looking at the camera

    Enjoying grocery shopping

    shopping with dad grocery shopping

    Trying to break through the sling to see what daddy is having for dinner
    在吊帶內掙扎 想鑽出來看看爸爸晚餐吃什麼

in the sling trying to break through

    There he is

    breaking through out

    Forget that sling!

    no sling forget that sling

    Ready to play baseball for "Dad's Team"

    ready to play ball in dad's team

    Watching Chicago Cubs game

    watching cubs game interrupting the game 90

    Bath time (Stop looking now if you are under age.)
    洗澡 (限制級)

    bath face full body
    naked in towel

    Visit (and shared naptime) with Grandma Jane

    with grandmom napping with grandmom

    Visit from PapaJohn                             Visit from Cousin Kevin, Marty and Katie
    奶奶的先生來訪                                  表哥表姊來訪

    visit from Papajohn with cousins O'Connell

    Visit from Uncle Dan                             Visit from Aunt Mary Kay
    伯伯Dan來訪                                        伯母Mary Kay來訪

    visit from Uncle Dan visit from Aunt Mary Kay

    Visit from Grandpa

    with Grandpa Dan Grandpa

    Born Tar Heel

    natural Tar Heel Tar Heel like Dad

    Home-made Tar Heel hat and socks

    tar heel outfit

    Fits in the diaper bag perfectly                  Picnic at Brian Park with Dad
    坐在尿布袋裏剛剛好                               和爸爸在公園裏野餐

    sitting in the diaper bag at Brian Park with dad

    Getting ready for next winter                 Learning to hold the bottle
    爲明年冬天做準備                               已經開始學自己握奶瓶

    getting ready for winter hold that bottle

    Enjoying the activity gym

    activity gym gym with dad

    Baby Daisy -- Which one is Kelton?
    參加同學會 哪一個是我們家的呢?

    Baby Reunion Reunion

    Learning to grab things with hands

    grap the book eat the book

    Of course, everything ends up in the mouth
    當然囉 抓到什麼就往嘴裏塞

    grap the rattle eat the rattle

    First schooling in life -- infants' music class
    人生第一堂正式課程 -- 嬰兒音樂課

    music class with dad music class
      music music class with mom

    New wardrobe

      new wardrobe more new wardrobe

    Attending mom and dad's yoga class

    visiting yoga class fun yoga

    Getting special attention from the yoga instructor

    with instructor yoga

    Posing for passport photo
    正經八百 護照相片

    passport photo passport photo

    Hand-made socks (each one is unique!)
    手工襪子 兩腳不同

    socks with grandmom socks with dad

    Enjoying sleeping in mom and dad's bed...but starting to sleep in the crib
    喜歡和爸媽睡 但是開始學睡自己的小床

    in the big bed sleeping in crib

    Kelton went to the first picnic, but a dog stole his shoes.
    第一次參加烤肉 結果一隻狗偷了他鞋子 任主人打罵 不還就是不還

    refuse to return the dog stole the shoe

    Variety of expressions

    interesting face funny face
    sneaky smile serious
    weird smile laughter

    Hanging out with mom and dad

    in mom's carrier dad's funny face

    With dad at work

    dad's work dad at work

    The first time to ride in a stroller

    stroller with dad in the stroller

      Are you still looking? Time for bed.
      你還在看嗎? 該睡覺了

        still looking

    Good night. Bye!
    晚安 再見

            Going to sleep