About Kelton

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Major Events

In mid-September, Kelton had to say good-bye to A-Ma who was going back to Taipei. Kelton made a few trips to a bookstore for reading time and arts & crafts. He also visited a farm outside of Bloomington and enjoyed some massage from the farm owner Chang-ma-ma. Kelton celebrated Chinese Moon Festival for the first time.

九月中旬 阿嬤要回台灣了 愷愷去機場送機 愷愷去了幾次書店聽故事 做勞作 還參觀張媽媽的菜園 張媽媽還提供愷愷專業的個人按摩 愷愷今年第一次過中秋節

Visiting Chang-ma-ma's vegetable farm and getting massage

farm farm farm farm farm farm A-Ma farm massage massage

Eating french baguette again

eating bread yummy!

Kelton has to be part of it when A-Ma is playing piano
阿嬤彈鋼琴 愷愷也堅持要湊熱鬧

playing piano with A-Ma playing piano with A-Ma

Celebrating moon festival with BBQ and bonfire
過中秋節 吃烤肉升營火

Moon Festival Bonfire

Mom cut someone's hair for the first time and Kelton was the guinea pig
媽媽第一次幫人剪頭髮就拿愷愷當白老鼠 有點難看

new haircut mom's first time to cut someone's hair kinda bad bad haircut

Attending some book-reading at a bookstore and doing arts and crafts
去書店聽故事 做勞作

reading arts and craft arts and craft with help from Daddy

More bookstore arts-and-crafts fun -- This time Kaitlyn helped with the project
又去書店做勞作 這次楊茹米姊姊幫忙

arts and crafts with kaitlyn

Kelton enjoys the company of this Winnie the Pooh

hanging out with Winnie the Pooh hanign out with Winnie the Pooh hanging out with Winnie the Pooh hanign out with Winnie the Pooh hanging out with Winnie the Pooh hanign out with Winnie the Pooh hanging out with Winnie the Pooh hanign out with Winnie the Pooh

Kelton's favorite musician in town (Bobbie Lancaster) -- Kelton loves her "Little Folks" album

Bobbie Lancaster at farmers' market Lancaster singing

Kelton attending his first "college" class at Indiana University (as a guest speaker)

in IU class on the stage

Celebrating Kaitlyn's 6-year-old birthday